[迪士尼英文原版小说]花木兰 (刘亦菲、甄子丹领衔主演,巩俐、李连杰特别出演的真人版电影小说)




mulan was miserable sitting on an unfortable stool, she tried not to move as her mother gathered her long black hair and tugged and pulled the strands into submission mulan winced as a few more tangled strands gave up their fight and were yanked painfully from her head

she had anticipated the process of meeting the matchmaker would be emotionally exhausting, but she had failed to consider the physical toll it would take on her body of course she couldn’t just arrive to be interviewed by the esteemed matchmaker in just any old thing no, no, no, her mother had said, disgusted by the mere idea of it when mulan had mentioned it “one must present herself to the matchmaker as she would to her suitor—perfectly we all must be perfect” and then, as if mulan didn’t know it already, her mother added, “our family’s fortune rests on you, mulan”

which was why mulan now found herself being made up to look like a porcelain doll satisfied by the buns piled high on mulan’s head, li turned her attention to her daughter’s face bowls had been laid out on a nearby table, each filled with different powders and liquids dipping a thicker brush into the nearest bowl, li stirred the white paste then she brushed it in smooth, even strokes over mulan’s face when the girl’s face was pletely covered, li moved on to the next bowl yellow powder was blown gently onto mulan’s forehead, returning some color to her face and making mulan wonder why they bothered painting it bright white in the first place but before she could even open her mouth to ask, li put down the yellow powder and picked up the blue ink that was added above mulan’s eyes, being long, thin “eyebrows” that tilted up at the ends so the girl seemed to be smiling even though her mouth was straight rouge was added to mulan’s cheeks, red was painted on her lips, and finally li pasted a golden ornament between her daughter’s eyes

her face addressed, mulan was pulled off the chair and forced to stand while her mother dressed her mulan remained silent, though she felt more and more like screaming her mother hadn’t dressed her since she was a girl she had never been forced to wear face paint and her head already hurt from the dozens of pins shoved into her hair to keep the buns in place she felt like a doll her sister would have played with when she was a girl

mulan’s gaze shifted to the window on the far wall through it she could see black wind grazing she wanted to burst free from her mother’s grasp and run outside, leap on her horse’s back, and race off but she knew she could not she had made her promise and she would not let her family down—again


her mother’s voice startled mulan and she brought her gaze back into the room she gasped as she saw her reflection in the mirror her mother held out the face that stared back was that of a stranger her body, wrapped in a lilac-colored dress, looked strange: curves were visible that were usually hidden under loose clothing gingerly, mulan lifted her head and touched the lotus flower b her mother had placed in her hair the b was one of her mother’s most cherished possessions without saying anything, li was reminding mulan just how important today was

taking a deep breath, mulan headed out of the house and into the courtyard her father stood waiting, also in his own formal attire seeing his eldest daughter, he smiled, but not before mulan caught a flash of sadness in his eyes at least she wasn’t the only one who felt she was hiding her real self under a pile of makeup

as soon as li and xiu joined them, both also dressed up though neither looked quite as exquisite as mulan, the family began to walk through the village passing by people she had known her entire life, mulan felt their eyes on her and heard the surprised whispers as they walked by although mulan felt unrecognizable, the villagers seemed to recognize her noheless

sensing his daughter’s disfort, zhou smiled warmly he stopped and looked at his family “i am truly blessed to be in the presence of such enchanting women,” he said “i have no doubt that today will be a momentous day for the hua fam—”

“never mind that,” his wife said, cutting him off “we must be on time” to emphasize her words, she resumed walking, her pace quicker

behind her, mulan struggled to keep up her dress was meant to look pretty; it was not meant to be jogged in and her feet were bound in tight and unfortable shoes she nearly toppled over and would have had her sister not reached out and steadied her then, as if on cue, mulan’s stomach growled loudly

“i’m starving,” she said, stating the obvious

li rolled her eyes impatiently “i have already told you—you cannot eat it will ruin your makeup” “the fiercest winter storm could not destroy this makeup,” mulan retorted under her breath turning to her sister, mulan saw that her mother’s anxiety had rubbed off on xiu the younger girl was wringing her hands nervously “xiu,” mulan said, trying to lighten the mood she pointed to her face “what am i feeling”

xiu looked at her, her eyes searching mulan’s face for any trace of emotion “i have no idea,” she said

“exactly,” mulan answered “this is my sad face” the expression on her painted face did not change “this is my curious face” still no change “now i am confused” once more, her face remained the same

at last, a smile began to break over xiu’s face mulan smiled back—even though her sister couldn’t tell she hated to think that the cause of all this anxiety was her, but she knew that was the case if it had been xiu on her way to meet the matchmaker, li would have been practically skipping xiu gave her mother and family no reason to worry mulan gave her mother and family only reason to worry

luckily, mulan didn’t have time to dwell on her insufficiencies they had arrived at the matchmaker’s house leaving zhou to wait outside, the women approached the front door

as befit a woman of status, the matchmaker’s house stood alone the sides were newly painted, and fresh flowers and herbs blossomed on either side of the door the matchmaker was one of the most important people in their small village it was her connections that kept the young ladies and men matching and, in turn, the village thriving families spent a great deal of time trying to earn her approval, as favor from the matchmaker inevitably meant a favorable match

despite the constant doting and the privilege that came with her position, the matchmaker was a mean and nasty woman when she left her house, which wasn’t often, she always wore a frown full of judgment mulan had, on more than one occasion, turned and walked the other way when she saw the matchmaker in order to avoid a glare from the large woman and xiu, when she was younger and before she knew better, had once remarked how it wasn’t fair that such a beautiful house had such an ugly owner

but it didn’t matter if the woman was mean and her frown ugly she held mulan’s future in her hands

the matchmaker, after introducing mulan to fong lin, the mother of her prospective match, nodded for everyone to sit quickly, mulan and her family sat for one long moment, silence filled the small room and mulan wished that she had a rag or something to wipe her sweaty palms on she knew what she was supposed to do pour tea prove that she was worthy of fong lin’s son it seemed easy in theory if mulan could stop her hands from shaking


be calm,


she reminded herself


remember what xiu told you—picture doing something you like just get the tea in the cups that’s all you have to do


slowly, mulan reached out a hand and lifted the delicate porcelain teapot as she began to pour the steaming liquid into the equally delicate cups—without spilling—she could almost hear her mother’s shoulders sag in relief

obviously pleased as well, the matchmaker began to speak “quiet demure graceful,” she listed “these are the qualities we see in a good wife” she paused and looked directly at fong lin the woman, whose quiet judgment mulan had felt like daggers, did not move a muscle or blink her eyes bored into mulan, watching every move with fierce attention to detail “these are the qualities we see in mulan”


be calm,


mulan repeated to herself





be calm even though this woman seems terrible and therefore probably has a terrible son who is going to give you the same terrible look every time you do something you shouldn’t, which will be always



because you are not, let’s face it, quiet, demure, or graceful


stopping herself, mulan put the teapot down and moved on to the sugar she felt everyone’s eyes on her as she moved around the table, from cup to cup

“they say,” the matchmaker went on, not bothered or nonplussed by fong lin’s blank look, “that when a wife serves her husband, she must be silent she must be invisible” she stopped her eyes focused on mulan, looking for the slightest hint of a tremor, the smallest exhale of breath mulan was silent

as she put a final cube of sugar into the last cup, mulan returned to her seat she had done it not a drop spilled not a mess made still, she wouldn’t allow herself the chance to sigh in relief not yet

“the fong family honors the hua family with this exquisite tea set,” the matchmaker went on, a glimmer of approval in her eyes “a gift from the imperial family”

mulan, li, and xiu bowed their heads in gratitude while it was tradition for the matchmaker to not reveal details to either family about the other family, there was always a way to glean a little bit in this case, as mulan stared at the beautiful teapot on the table in front of her, she knew that fong lin’s family was well-off, at least more so than hers the huas’ teapot was faded and their cups mismatched this new one would stand out on their threadbare shelves the pressure to be perfect felt even greater mulan’s family would benefit from her marriage to a successful man she had to pull this off



“叮,明太祖朱元璋加入聊天群。” “叮,隋炀帝杨广加入聊天群。” “叮,明思宗朱由检加入聊天群。” …… 洪武十二年,朱元璋脑海里突然传来一阵奇奇怪怪的声音,紧接着,就是一声撕心裂肺的痛哭声。 明思宗朱由检:群主仙人,救救大明!!! 隋炀帝杨广:大明?不是大隋么?” 秦始皇嬴政:什么大明大隋,寡人的大秦呢? 汉高祖刘邦:政哥,朕……呸,我举报,西楚霸王项羽灭了你的大秦帝国!
恋爱三年,结婚四年,七年的感情,商时序偏信小三,亲手将她送上审判庭。 一句‘你可认罪’顾汐冉心如死灰,她在审判庭上力挽狂澜,自证清白,让渣男看清楚小三的真面目,在她无罪释放的那一刻,她对他说, “商时序我们离婚吧。” ‘顾汐冉你别后悔!’ -被深爱的有恃无恐,总以为她只是一时赌气。 某天碰面,“来找我复合?” ‘自以为是也是病,去精神科挂个号让医生给你好好看看。’ 每次生气,她气完了还会回来,这
蓝星所有人类降临到一个没有陆地的世界,天空中到处都是漂浮的岛屿。每个人都要选择职业,在这里重新开始,并且努力活下去!开局一块小破地,要想生存,就得登陆这些神秘的岛屿,寻找资源,扩充自己 的领地,然后打造属于自己的空岛。刚进入游戏的韩星,意外激活了唯一隐藏SSS级天赋,‘神级工匠’。他制作任何东西都不会失败,每一件经过他手的东西,都能化腐朽为传奇。“已成功制作钝器木棍,品质传说,特性:永不折断,附